Well, out here in our world things have been pretty interesting. About a week ago Jason burned his arm pretty bad. 2nd degree burn. It was very painful. I put aloe very gel on it as soon as it happened and then followed with colloidal silver gel til it scabbed and then he's been putting lanolin on it to help it finish healing up. It looks much better now!
The weekend of Easter Kathleen and Zachary had croup, which then turned into bronchitis for Kathleen and an upper respiratory infection for Zachary. :( They finally got over that and now we're dealing with a stomach bug! :P I have 2 kiddos left to get it. Hopefully they'll get it and get over it quick. It seems to be a quick thing. PTL!
So sweet even when he's sick!
We are working on getting our place cleaned up and getting rid of stuff. Have someone coming out this week to look at our place. We're really hoping it will sell. All of our family lives far away (in the same state) and we'd really like to be closer to them. Guess we'll see what the Lord has in store for us though :D
One of our chickens has been hatching her eggs. 8 so far, but more are trying to break through! So fun for the kids! They think it's so cool! Two of our goats appear to be in labor, but no babies yet. The signs are hard to read since we have no idea when they were bred. (sometime before we got them) And some of the signs can be days or hours before impending birth. So it's kinda all guess work till the baby comes :D Birth is such an awesome thing. We tremendously enjoy babies around here :D
Blessings, ♥T
1 week ago
They're called kids not Babies:-) LOL
Got to correct you when I can since I let you correct me so often:-)
OK, little sis, I posted it, but honestly?? That's a correction? They are called either silly! LOL...babies or kids! :P
I'm sorry I correct you so often dear, I really try not to! I will try harder :D Love ya!
Ouch! That does look like a bad burn! Thank goodness you knew what to treat it with!
I love the photographs of your sweet little one! Though it is sad when they are sick!
Exciting news about your goats! I would love to get a goat for our family...I'm trying to convince my husband that it is a really good idea! ...I don't know how convinced he is though! ;)
Are you sure you gave your son proper treatment?
LOL! Yes, BeccaBoo, I'm sure I gave my son proper treatment! Although I don't answer to you, I'll just let you know so you don't have to be concerned...I took him to the ER right after it happened. The ER doctor said I did the right thing. His regular doctor thinks it looks great. And really if I need medical advice I have a close relative who is a nurse, a friend who's husband is a paramedic and I've been trained to be a medical assistant. I have also been certified in first aid MANY times throughout my life. In addition to their regular doctor, I also consult with my midwives and chiropractor. I'd say they are VERY WELL covered in anything "medical". Thank you for your concern though :)
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