Friday, December 31, 2010

Goals for 2011!

This is probably not a complete list, and it is in no particular order, but here it is...

1. Daily Devotions~Read thru the Bible in a year, Created to be His Helpmeet study, Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit study.

2. Proverbs 31 study with the girls everyday (this is a book given to me by a dear friend)

3. Have the boys do something out of Plants Grown Up everyday

4. Devotions with James everyday? (that depends on him :)

5. Cut out ALL processed foods, soda, and use only real or natural sugar

6. Get up Before kids

7. Exercise 5-6 days a week

8. Cook more from scratch

9. Exclusively cloth diaper (this depends on rashes, we have problems with ammonia burn?)

10. Make soaps & cleaners from scratch

11. Learn to can

12. Keep to a schedule

13. Give kids piano lessons

14. Learn to make all bread products from scratch (bread, tortillas, crackers, etc..)

15. Do school everyday

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